Domainer emai leads
Domainer emai leads


You can access the tool here: The tool also shows matching domain names in other. You can use the Priority Status Tool to find the Priority Category you belong to.


For multiple Category 2 applicants, the applicant with the earliest registration date will be allocated the.For multiple Category 1 applicants, applicants will need to determine who is allocated the.Category 1 applicants have priority over Category 2 applicants.Priority Category 2: domain names registered after 4 February 2018.Priority Category 1: domain names registered on or before 4 February 2018.

domainer emai leads

The Priority Category you belong to will depend on when you registered your domain name. The vast majority have quick access to the. There are only around 60,000 domains that are contested, so a very small number of registrants are affected by this. au direct domain name will be allocated based on the Priority Category that it belongs to. If your domain name is contested, the matching. au direct domain name, then the domain name is referred to as a contested domain name. If you hold and another registrant holds and both parties want to register the matching. What happens if more than one registrant is eligible to apply for priority status for the same. au direct domain name will be released from Priority Hold and become available for registration by the general public at 21:00 UTC (8:00AM AEST 4 Oct). If you don’t apply for Priority Status, your matching. What happens if I don’t register for Priority Status before the end of the Priority Hold period? It runs for six months and closes at 23:59 UTC 20 September 2022 (9:59AM AEST 21 September). When does the Priority Allocation Process start and end? For example, the current registrant of will have the opportunity to register through the Priority Allocation Process. au direct match of their existing domain name. au direct on 24 March 2022, a priority to apply for the. au domain names, registered before the launch of. The Priority Allocation Process provides registrants who hold. Now, forewarned and educated, you’re ready to create your very own business email.Firstly lets clarify a few points. Ideally, you’d like both your website and email to use the same domain however, if the main site has a long domain name, register a shorter version for your own email domain. Be considerate to your correspondents and avoid typos by choosing a short domain for your business email. Unlike web links that most users click on, email addresses are regularly typed.

  • Opting for a really long email domain.
  • It’s a great opportunity to easily signpost your business and brand for the recipient. Many desktop email clients and webmail interfaces display the sender’s name in the inbox.
  • Forgetting to specify sender names and profile pictures.
  • domainer emai leads

    If you jump from one email domain name to another too often without redirecting the email addresses, you’ll likely miss out on important leads and conversations. People keep business cards and contact lists around for years. Who knows which party photos will surface one day and damage your brand reputation. You don’t want your company information associated with off-hour activities.

  • Using business email for personal use like signing up to social networks and hobby clubs.

    Aliases are usually free and unlimited and are a great way for new businesses to look a bit bigger and protect themselves against miscommunication due to staff turnover. Sometimes it’s as easy as creating a alias for your website-driven enquiries instead of posting your sole sales manager’s email address. Skipping aliases and relying on staff email addresses only.


    Emails like and are not great when trying to shape your brand’s professional image.

  • Using nicknames to amp up your ‘cool’ factor.
  • While saving money on your business email, you’re discrediting your new business venture with a address.

    domainer emai leads

    Signing up for a free service instead of their own email domain.Relying on your ISP’s email solution like or Tying your business email to a specific provider can prove difficult down the road – especially if your business relocates to an area your ISP does not serve.However, beginners sometimes make these mistakes when they set up their business email: It’s easy to get started with an email domain, and it’s just as easy to create new email aliases and mailboxes.

    domainer emai leads

    Business email: 8 ways you’re using it wrong

    Domainer emai leads